IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual G-4
CLUT Color lookup table. Tablefor converting the value of a pixel in an image
into a red, green, and blue (RGB) intensity.
color images Images containing color information, usually encoded in the RGB form.
color location The techn ique that locates a color template in a color image based on only
the color information.
color matching Thetechniquethat compares the color information in an image or region of
an image to the color information in another image or region of an image.
color pattern matching Thetechnique that locates a col ort emplate in a color image based on both
the color information andgrayscale pattern in the template.
colors pace The mathematical representation for a color.For example, color can be
describedin terms of red , green, and blue; hue, saturation, and luminance;
orh ue, saturation, and intensity.
compleximage Storesinformation obtained from the FFT of an image. The complex
numbers that compose the FFT plane are encoded in 64-bit floating-point
values:32bits for the real part and 32bit sfo r the imaginary part.
connectivity Defines which of the surrounding pixels of a given pixel constitute its
connectivity-4 Onlypixels adjacent in the horizontal and vertical directions are considered
connectivity-8 Alladjacent pixels are considered neighbors.
contrast (1) A constant multiplication factor applied to the luma and chroma
components of a color pixel in the color decoding process.
(2)T hedifference between light and dark intensity values in an image.
convexfunction Computes the convexregions of objects in a binary image.
convexhull The smallest convex polygon thatcan encapsulate a particle.
convolution Seelinear filter.
convolutionkernel 2D matrices (ortemplates) used to represent the filter in the filtering
process.The contents of these kernels are a discrete two-dimensional
representation of the impulse response of the filterthat they represent.