Chapter5 MachineVision
©NationalInstruments Corporation 5-11 IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
Ifyou want to find points along a circular edge and find the circle thatbest
fitsthe edge, as shown in Figure 5-6, use imaqFindCircularEdge().
Figure5-6. Findinga Circular Feature
Thesefunctions locate the intersectionpoints between a set of search
lineswithin the search region and the edge of an object. You can specify the
search regionusing imaqSelectRect() or imaqSelectAnnulus().
Specify the separationbetw een the lines thatthe functionsuse to detect
edges.Th ef unctions determine the intersection points based on their
contrast, width, and steepness. The software calculates a best-fitline with
outliers rejected or a best-fitcircle through the points itfound. The
functions return the coordinates of the edges found.
Finding Edge Points Along One Search Contour
UseimaqSimpleEdge() or imaqEdgeTool() to find edge points along
aco ntour. Using imaqSimpleEdge(), you can find the first edge, last
edge,or all edges along thecontour. Use imaqSimpleEdge() when your
image contains little noise and the object and background are clearly
differentiated.Otherwise, use imaqEdgeTool().
1 Annular Search Region
3 Detected Edge Points
4 Circle Fit To Edge Points