Chapter4 BlobAnalysis
IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual 4-6
IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_LEFT_COLUMN leftmostx-coordinate of longest horizontal line segment
in a particle
IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_TOP_ROW y-coordinateof longest ho rizontal line segment
IMAQ_PERIMETER lengthof the outer contour of the particle in u ser-defined
IMAQ_PERIMETER_OF_HOLES perimeterof all holes in user-defined units
IMAQ_SIGMA_X sumof the x-coordinatesf or each pixelof the particle
IMAQ_SIGMA_Y sumof the y-coordinatesf or each pixelof the particle
IMAQ_SIGMA_XX sumof the squared x-coordinatesf or each pixelof the
IMAQ_SIGMA_YY sumof the squared y-coordinatesf or each pixelof the
IMAQ_SIGMA_XY sumof the product of the x-coordinate and y-coordinate
foreach pixelof the particle
IMAQ_PROJ_X sumof thevertical segments in a particle
IMAQ_PROJ_Y sumof the ho rizontal segmentsin a particle
IMAQ_INERTIA_XX inertiam atrix coefficientin XX
IMAQ_INERTIA_YY inertiam atrix coefficientin YY
IMAQ_INERTIA_XY inertiam atrix coefficientin XY
IMAQ_MEAN_H meanlengt h of horizontal segments
IMAQ_MEAN_V meanlength of vertical segments
IMAQ_MAX_INTERCEPT lengthof the longest segmentof th eco nvexhull of the
IMAQ_MEAN_INTERCEPT meanlength of the chords in a particle perpendicular to
itsm ax intercept
IMAQ_ORIENTATION directionof t he major axis of a particle
IMAQ_EQUIV_ELLIPSE_MINOR totallength of t he minor axis of the ellipse having the
same areaas the particle and a major axis equal to half
them ax intercept
Table4-1. Particle Measurements (Continued)
Measurement Description