IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual G-2
b Bit. One binary digit, either 0 or 1.
B Byte.Eight related bits of data, an eight-bit binary number. Also denotes
the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
barycenter The grayscalevalue representing the centroid of the range of an image's
grayscale valuesin the image histogram.
binary image An image in which the objects usually havea pixel intensity of 1 (or 255)
and the background has a pixel intensity of 0.
binary morphology Functions that perform morphological operations on a binary image.
binary threshold Separationof an image into objects o finterest (assigned a non-zero pixel
value)and background (assigned pixel values of 0) based on the intensities
ofthe image pixels.
bit depth The number of bits (n) used to encode the value of a pixel. For a givenn,
ap ixelcan take 2ndifferent values. For example, if nequals 8-bits, a pixel
can take256 different values ranging from 0 to 255. If nequals 16 bits, a
pixelcan take 65,536 different values ranging from 0 to 65,535 or 32,768
to 32,767.
black referencel evel The levelthat represents the darkest an image can get. See also white
reference level.
blob Binary largeobject. A connect ed regionor grou ping of pixelsi n an image
inwhich all pixels have the same intensity level. Blobs are also referred to
asobjects orp articles.
blob analysis Aseries ofprocessing operations and analysis functions that produce some
information about the blobs in an image.
blurring Reduces the amount of detail in an image. Blurring commonly occurs
because the camera isout of focus. You can blur an image intentionally
byapplying a lowpass frequency filter.
BMP Bitmap. Image fileformat co mmonly used for 8-bit and color images