Chapter1 Introductionto IMAQ Vision
IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual 1-2
Documentation»IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI Function
Example programsIf you want examplesof how to create specific
applications, go to cvi\samples\vision.
Application NotesIfyou wantto know more about advanced
IMAQVision concepts and applications, refer to the Application
Notes located on the National Instruments Website at
NIDeveloper Zone (NIDZ)If you want even moreinformation abou t
developingyour vision application, visit the NIDeveloper Zone at TheNI Developer Zone contains example programs,
tutorials, technical presentations, the Instrument DriverNet work,a
measurementglossary, an online magazine, a product advisor, and a
communityarea where you can share ideas, questions, and source code
with vision developersaround the world.
Application Development Environments
Thisrelease of IMAQ Vision for LabWindows/CVI supports the following
Application Development Environments (ADEs) for Windows
LabWindows/CVIversion 5.0.1 and higher
Borland C++ Builder 3.0 and higher
Microsoft VisualC/C++ version 6.0 and higher
Note Although IMAQVision has been tested and found to work with these ADEs, other
ADEs may also work.
IMAQ Vision Function Tree
The IMAQ Vision function tree (NIVision.lfp) contains separate
classescorrespo nding to groups or types of functions. Table 1-1 lists the
IMAQ Vision function types and gives a description of each type.