Chapter1 Introduction
NI5102 User Manual 1-4
NI-SCOPE DriverThe NI-SCOPE driver is the preferred choice to program your NI 5102.
It provides flexibility and programmability in a standard full-featured
instrument-driverformat which lets you avoid low-level software calls and
which works with LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and conventional
languages such as C/C++ and Visual Basic.
Tohelp you get started, NI-SCOPE comes with examples you can use or
Youcan find examples for these different ADEs:
•LabVIEW—Go to Program Files\National Instruments\
•LabWindows/CVI,C, and Visual Basic with Windows 9x—Go to
•LabWindows/CVI,C, and Visual Basic with Windows 2000/NT—
Go to vxipnp\winnt\Niscope\Examples\
NI-DAQ APIThe NI-DAQ driver software is automatically installed with NI-SCOPE,
andcontains all of the device-specificcode that is required to program the
NI5102 using any hardware bus. The NI-DAQ API allows you to program
yourNI 5102in LabVIEW using calls that are supported on other NI-DAQ
devices.The DAQ VI Library offers a collection of VIs that you can use to
program your NI 5102 to function as a digitizer.
NI Application SoftwareLabVIEW and Measurement Studio are innovative program development
software packagesfor data acquisition and control applications. Both
packagesinclude extensive libraries for data acquisition, instrument
control, data analysis, and graphical data presentation. Both will greatly
reduce the development time for your data acquisition and control
LabVIEW featuresinteractive graphics, a state-of-the-art user interface,
and a powerfulgraphical programming language. You can program
the NI 5102 in LabVIEW through an instrument driverapplication
programming interface(A PI) for quick application development,or use
the LabVIEW Data Acquisition VI Library,a series of VIs for using
LabVIEW with NI-DAQhardware, for increased flexibility and control.