©NationalInstruments Corporation G-5 NI5102 User Manual
counter/timer aci rcuit that counts external pulses or clock pulses (timing)
coupling the manner in which a signal is connected from one location to another
Cpprobe capacitance
CPU central processing unit
crosstalk anunwanted signal on one channel due to an input on a different channel
the amount of current a digital or analog output channel is capable of
sourcingor sinking while still operating within voltage range specifications
current sinking theability of a DAQ device to dissipate current for analog or digital output
current sourcing the ability of a DAQdevice to supply current for analog or digital
output signals
D/A digital-to-analog
D*/A digital-to-analog, active low
DAC digital-to-analog converteran electronic device, often an integrated
circuit,t hat convertsa digital number into a corresponding analo g voltage
orcu rrent
daisy-chain am ethod of propagating signals along a bus,in which the devicesare
prioritized on the basis of their position on the bus
DAQ data acquisition(1) collecting and measuring electrical signals from
sensors, transducers, and test probes or fixtures and inputting them to a
computerfor processing;(2) collecting and measuring the same kinds of
electricalsignals with A/D and/or DIO boards plugged into a computer, and
possibly generating control signals with D/A and/or DIO boards in the
same computer
dB decibelthe unit for expressing a logarithmic measure of the ratio of
twosignal levels: dB=20log10 V1/V2, for signals in volts
DC directcurrent