©NationalInstruments Corporation G-13 NI5102 User Manual
NRSE nonreferencedsingle-ended mode—all measurements are made with
respectto a common (NRSE) m easurementsystem reference, but the
voltageat this reference can vary with respect to the measurement
Nyquist Sampling
al awof sampling theo ry stating that if a continuous bandwidth-limited
signal contains no frequency components higher than half the frequency
at which it is sampled, then the original signal can be recovered without
Oonboard channels channels providedby the plug-in DAQ device
onboard RAM optional RAM usually installed into SIMM slots
operating system base-level software that controls a computer, runs programs, interacts with
users,and communicates with installed hardware or peripheral devices
Ppassband the range offrequ encies that a devicecan properly propagate or measure
PC Card a credit-card-si zed expansioncard that fits in a PCMCIA slot; often
referred to asa PC MCIA card
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect—a high-performance expansion bus
architecture originallydeveloped by Intel to replace ISA and EISA. It is
achievingwidespread acceptance as a standard for PCs and workstations;
it offersa theoretical maximum transfer rate of 1 32 Mbytes/s
PCMCIA anexpansion bus architecture that has found widespread acceptance
asa de facto standard in notebook-size computers. It originated as a
specificationfor add-on memory cards written by the Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association
peak to peak am easureof signal amplitude; the difference between the highest and
lowestexcursions of the signal
pF picofarads
PFI programmable function input