NI5102 User Manual G-18
switchless device devicesthat do not require dip s witches or jumpers to configure resources
on the devicesalsocalled Plug and Play devices
synchronous (1) hardwarea property ofan event that is synchronized to a reference
clock (2) softwareaproperty of a function th at beginsan operation and
returns only when the operation is complete
systemnoise a measure of the amount of noise seen by an analog circuit or an ADC when
the analog inputs are grounded
system RAM RAM installed on a personal computer and used by the operating system,
ascontrasted with onboard RAM
T/H track-and-holdacircuit thattracks an analog voltage and holds the value
TC terminal countthe highest value of a counter
TDC time-to-digital converter
time constant ameasure of a systems response time
transferrate the rate,measured in bytes/s, at which data is moved from source to
destinationafter software initialization and set up operations; the maximum
rateat which the hardware can operate
TRIG at rigger channel
trigger anyevent that causes or starts some form of data capture
trigger hold-off asi gnal processing technique that lets you specify a time from the trigger
eventto ignore additional triggers that fall within that time
TTL transistor-transistor logic