©NationalInstruments Corporation G-3 NI5102 User Manual
bandwidth the range offrequ encies present in as ignal, or the range of frequencies to
which ameasuring device can respond
bipolar asi gnal range that includes both positive and negative values
(forexample, –5Vto+5V)
BNC at ype of coaxial signal connector
buffer temporarystorage for acquired or generated data
burst-mode ahigh-speed data transfer in whi chthe ad dress of the data is sent followed
byback-t o-back data words while a physical signal is asserted
bus thegroup of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a computer.
Typically,a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or other devices are
connected. Examples of PC buses are the PCI bus,AT bus, NuBus, Micro
Channel,and EISAbus
busmaster a type of a plug-in board or controller with the ability to read and write
deviceson the computer bus
cache high-speed processor memory that bufferscommonly used instructions or
data to increase processing throughput
CalDAC calibration DAC
calibration theprocess of minimizing measurement errors by making small circuit
cascading processof extending the counting range of a counter chip by connecting to
the nexthigher c ounter
Cclumped cable capacitance
CH0 channel number zero
CH1 channel number one