AppendixA Specifications
NI5102 User Manual A-2
Input signal ranges (CH0, CH1)
(withoutprobe attenuation)....................±5 V at gain of 1
±1 V at gainof 5
±0.25 V at gain of 20
Inputcoupling .........................................AC or DC, software-selectable
Overvoltage protection...........................±42 V (DC + peak AC < 10Khz
without external attenuation)
CH0,CH1, TRIG only
OnboardF IFO memory depth................663,000 samples
Max waveform buffer.............................Up to 16 million samples on each
channelon NI 5 102 (PCI,P XI)
with bus mastering, depends on
available hostmemory
663,000samples on
Data transfers..........................................Programmed I/O supported on all
boards; direct-to-memory burst
transfers with PCI bus mastering
on NI 5102 (PCI, PXI) only
Timebase SystemTimebase.................................................20MHz
Clockaccuracy .......................................100 ppm
Interpolatorresolution ............................1 ns
Externalclock .........................................RTSI TRIG<1..6>or PFI<1..2>;
Frequency ≤ 20 ΜΗzwith
a 50% duty cycle;
RTSI<0..6>and PFI<1..2>
are CMOS/TTl inputs only.