NI5102 User Manual G-4
channel pinor wire lead to which you apply or from which you read the analog or
digitalsignal. Analog signals can be single-ended or differential. For digital
signals, you group channels to form ports. Ports usually consist of either
four or eight digital channels
Cin inputcapacitance
circuit trigger aco ndition for starting or stopping clocks
clock hardwarecomponent t hat controls timing for reading from or writing
to groups
CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
CMRR common-mode rejection ratio—a measure of an instrument’s ability
to reject interference from a common-mode signal, usually expressed
in decibels (dB)
code width the smallest detectable change in an input voltageof a DAQ device
amethod of compensating for inaccuracies in thermocouple circuits
the input range overwhich a circuit can handle a common-mode signal
themathematical average voltage, relative to the computer’s ground, of the
signalsfrom adifferential input
anyvoltage present at the instrumentation amplifier inputs with respect to
amplifiergro und
compensation range the range of a parameter for which compensating adjustment can be made
conditionalr etrieval amethod of triggering in which you simulate an analog trigger using
software.Also called software triggering
conversiondevice devicethat transforms a signal from on e form to another.For example,
analog-to-digital converters(ADCs) for analog input, digital-to-analog
converters(DACs) for analog output, digital input or output ports, and
counter/timers are conversiondevices
conversiontime thetim er equired, in an analog input or output system, from the moment a
channelis interrogated (such as with a read instruction) to the moment that
accuratedata is available