©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-1 NI5102 User Manual
Installation and ConfigurationThischapter describes how to un pack, install, and configure your NI 5102.
What You Need to Get Started
To set up and use your NI 5102, you will need the following:
❑One oft he followingN I 5102 devices:
–NI5 102 (PCI)
–NI5 102 (PXI)
–NI5 102 (ISA)
–NI5102 (PCMCIA)
–NI5 102 (USB)
❑One oft he followingsoftware packages and documentation:
–Anapplication development environment (ADE) such as
LabWindows/CVI,Visual C++, or Visual Basic. Alternatively,
you may use the Scope Soft FrontPanel to interactively control
your NI 5102.
–Measure for MS Excel
❑Cablesand accessories:
TwoSP200B 10X-1X selectable oscilloscope probes
SMB100cable and screwdriverfor probe compensation
–NI5 102 (PXI)
AUX to BNC c able
–NI5102 (PCMCIA)
PSH32-C5 I/O cable assembly