©NationalInstruments Corporation G-11 NI5102 User Manual
kkilothe standard metric prefix for 1,000, or 103, used with units of
measure such as volts,hertz ,and m eters
Kkilothe prefixfor 1,024, or 210,used with B in quan tifying data or
kbytes/s au nit for data transfer that means 1,000 or 103bytes/s
kS 1,000 samples
Kword 1,024words of memory
LabVIEW laboratoryvirtual instrument engineering workbench
latched digitalI/O atype of digital acquisition/generation where a device or module accepts
ortransfers data after a digital pulse has been received. Also called
handshaked digital I/O
LED light-emitting diode
low-frequencycorner inan AC-coupled circuit, the frequency below which signals are attenuated
byat least 3 dB
LSB least significant bit
m meters
M (1) Mega, the standard metric prefix for 1 million or 106,whenusedwith
unitsof measure such as volts and hertz; (2) mega, the prefix for 1,048,576,
or 220, when used with B to quantify data or computer memory
MB megabytesof memory
Mbytes/s au nit for data transfer that means 1 million or 106bytes/s
memory buffer seebuffer