©NationalInstruments Corporation G-7 NI5102 User Manual
DOS disk operating system
downcounter performing frequencydivision on an internal signal
DRAM dynamic RAM
drivers software that controls a specific hardware device such as a DAQdevice or
aG PIB interface board
DSO digital storage oscilloscope
dual-accessm emory memorythat can be sequentially accessed by more than one controller or
processorbut not simultaneously accessed. Also known as shared memory
dynamic range theratio of the largest signal level a circuit can handle to the smallest signal
levelit can handle (usually taken to be the noise level), normally expressed
in decibels
EEPROM electricallyerasable programmable read-only memoryROM that can be
erased with an electricalsignal and reprogrammed
EISA extended industry standard architecture
propagating a signal bymean s of a varyingelectric field
EMC electromechanical compliance
encoder adevice that convertslinear or rotary displacement into digital or pulse
signals. The most popular type of encoder is the optical encoder,whi ch
usesa ro tating disk with alternating opaque areas, a light source, and
ap hotodetector
End ofAcquisition end ofacquisition signal
EPROM erasable programmable read-only memoryROM that can be erased
(usually by ultravioletligh t exposure)and reprogramm ed
ETS equivalent time sampling