Chapter4 HardwareOverview
NI5102 User Manual 4-6 ni.com
Serial Communications Port (AUX)
♦NI5 102 (PXI)
The serial communication port, AUX,provides +5V and GND for
applicationsthat ma y require up to 100 mA of current operation and PF12
for triggering.
PFI2has the same functionality asdescribed above, but it is overloaded on
TRIG0 (SCANCLK) on the mini-DIN connector and is accessible only
through the optional 9-pin mini-DIN to BNC female cable adapter.
Analog InputThetwo analog input channels are referenced to common ground in bipolar
mode.These settings are fixed; therefore, neither the reference nor the
polarityof input channels can be changed. You cannot use CH0 or CH1 to
makedifferential m easurements or measure floating signals unless you
subtractthe digital waveforms in software. For accurate measurements,
makesure the signal being measured is referenced to the same ground as
your NI 5102 by attaching the probe’s ground clip to the signal ground.
Table 4-2 shows the input ranges available on CH0 and CH1.
Note The X10, X100, and X1000 designations are used to indicate a signal attenuation
ratherthan amplification. For example, with a X100 probe and again of 1, if yo u measure
a4 00 V signal, the NI 5102 will receive4 V (400 V/100 = 4 V) at its input connector.
The TRIG channel has a fixedinput range of ±5 V. All NI 5102 digitizers
powerup with a default gain of 1, thereby allowing the largest input range
available.TRIG channel range values are the same as the gain of 1 values
in Table4-2.
Table4-2. CH0 and CH1 Input Ranges
X1Probe X10 Probe X100 Probe X1000 Probe
±50 V ±500V ±5000 V
5±1V ±10 V ±100V ±1000 V
20 ±0.25 V ±2.5 V ±25 V ±250 V
100 ±50 mV ±0.5V ±5V ±50V