Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
NI8171 Series User Manual 2-4
•UpA rrow,Down Arrow—Use these keys to move between the
options within a setup menu. (Touse the arrows on the numeric
keypad,you must turn off Num Lock.)
•<Enter>—Use this keyto either enter a submenu or display all
availablesettings for a highlighted configuration option.
•<Esc>—Use thiskey to return the parent menu of a submenu. At the
top-levelmenus, this key serves as a shortcut to the Exit menu.
•<+>and <–>—U se these keysto cycle between all available settings
fora selected configuration option.
Main Setup MenuThemost commonly accessed and modified BIOS settings are in the Main
setup menu. The Mainsetup men ui ncludes the followingsett ings:
•SystemTime & Date—This setting controls the time of day, which is
stored in ab attery-backedreal-time clock. Most operating systems
also include a wayto change this setting. Us e<+> and < –>in
conjunction with <Enter> to change these values.
•DMI Event Logging—This setting brings up the DMI Event
Logging submenu (see the DMI Event Logging Submenu section).
•KeyboardRequired to Boot—WhenYes, a missin g or
malfunctioningkeyboard causes the BIOS to halt with an error. When
No,the BIOS allows booting without a keyboard, and you can attach a
keyboardat any time during the powered up state. Touse t his controller
ina “headless”mode, you must set this optio n to No.The default value
is Yes.
•NumLock—This setting indi cates whether you turn on Num Lock at
boot time. The default valueis On.
•Primary/Secondary Master/Slave—Thesei tems display the
IDE/ATAdevicesdetected in the system. Normally, you do not need to
modify these items. However,if an IDE/ATAdevice is not
autodetectedproperly, you can specify it manually by pressing
<Enter>on an item.
•SystemInformation—This setting displays a screen containing
important system information about the NI 8171 series controller.