Chapter4 CommonConfiguration Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-3 NI8171 Series User Manual
Whati f I dont havea Y-splitter cable? Can I still use a mouse and
combo connector.However, you cannot use a PS/2 mouse without the
Y-splitter,so use a serial or USB mouse.
Howdo I connect a standard 25-pin LPT cable to the NI 8171 series?
TheNI 8171 series uses a type C LPT connector. Most parallel port devices
use aty pe A connector.To use a device with a standard type A LPT
connector,you need to use a type C-to-type A LPT adapter. To order
the adapter,see the online catalog at
Operating System and Software Driver Installation
Howdo I install or reinstall the video driver?
See the Drivers.txt fileon the hard drive or recovery CD-ROM.
Howdo I installor reinstall the Ethernet driver?
See the Drivers.txt fileon the hard drive or recovery CD-ROM.
Howdo I installor reinstall the GPIB driver?
1. Thebest way to set up GPIB is to set up networking on your controller
so you can to download the latest drivers. You can
accessboth of these drivers by going to the current Drivers and
Updates page.
2. Once thesedrivers are installed, go into the Device Manager in the
SystemProperties wi ndow,delete the PCI Bridge and PCI
CommunicationDevic ee ntries under Other Devices,and rebootthe
3. Whenthe controller reboots, it will correctly find and install the proper
driversfor the GPIB adapter.
Howdo I install software from a CD?
The compact size of the NI 8171 series does not allowfor anintegrated
CD-ROMdrive. If you are using Windows 2000, you have the following
USBCD-ROMWindows 2000 supports USB mass storage devices.
Withmost USB CD-ROM drives, once you plug the driveinto the US B
port, you should be able toaccess the drive through a drive letter.