Chapter5 Troubleshooting
NI8171 Series User Manual 5-2
Mycontroller boots fine until I get to Windows, at which point I cannot
readthe screen. This may include garbled output, white screen, black
screen,or an out of synch message from the monitor.
Thisproblem usually results from having the video card output set past the
limitsof th e monitor.You will need to boot Windows in Safe Mode. Todo
this, reboot the controller.As Windows begins to boot, hold down <F8>.
ForWindows NT, select Windows NT (VGA MODE) from the boot
manager.Youshould now be able to reset the video driver to lower settings.
Trysetting the resolution to 640x480 and the refresh rat et o 60Hz. Once
you reboot, you can raise these valuesagain, using the test o ption in
Windows.These settings are accessible through the Advanced tab of the
Display itemin the Control Panel. Alternately, you can try a different
monitor,preferably a newer and larger one.
My system boots fineas long as a particular modul ei s notin my
Themost common cause of this is a damaged module. Try the module in a
differentchassis or with a differentcontroller. Also, remove any external
cables or terminal blocks connected to the system. If the module does not
workin these cases, it is likely damaged. Contact the module manufacturer
for further troubleshooting.
See theKnowledgeBase or product manuals section at for more
informationspecific to the chassis and controller with which you are having
Howdo I restore the operating system on a my NI 8171 series
The NI 8171 series controllers include a recoveryCD. There are two
methodsfor recovering the hard disk to its orig inal state—recoveryfrom a
CD-ROMor from a network. For more information, see the Recovery from
aCD-ROMorRecoveryfrom a Network sections in Chapter 2,Installation
and Configuration.
My CMOS is corrupted.H ow do I set it back to default?
1. Enterthe BIOS setup program as described in the Entering BIOS Setup
sectionof Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration.
2. Press <F9> to load BIOSd efaults.
3. Answer Y(Yes)to the verification prompt.
4. Select Save and Exit Setup.