Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-7 NI8171 Series User Manual
specialized externalfloppy drive. Normally, using a Universal Serial
Bus (USB)flop pydrive is preferable to this option, which requires a
specially designed driveand cable. (See the Parallel Port section in
Chapter3, I/O I nformation, for pinout information.) Setting this option
to ParallelPort disables normal LPT1 functionality.The Default is
Enabled,which routes the signals to the standard internal floppy drive.
LegacyUSB SupportUse this setting to use a USB keyboard and
mouseas if they were standard PS/2-style peripherals. Youmust enable
thissetting to use these devices in the BIOS Setup program, and when
using operating systems with no USB support. Certain real-time
applicationsmay require you to disable this settin g to reduce loop time
jitter.The default is Enabled.
PXI Setup Menu
Usethis menu to control and route certain signals on the PXI backplane, as
wellas enablethe LCD display for a PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis.
Normally, you do not need to modify thesesettings. However,o ther
sectionsof this manual mayindicate thatmodifications are necessaryand
may lead to unpredictable behavior.
devicefunctioning as a Primary IDE Controller. The default setting is
Not Routed.
INTSRoutingYou can route INTS to ISA IRQ 15, for use by a PXI
devicefunctioning as a Secondary IDE Controller. You can also route
it to the controllers21-frame serialized IRQ input, for use by certain
PXI carrier cards. The defaultsetting is Not Routed.
LCD DisplayThisset ting allowsthe integrated LCD display of a
PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis to function as the primary display
devicefor the NI 8171 series controller. See the Using the Controllers
with PXI-1020 and PXI-1025 Chassis section for more information.
The defaultis Disabled. Thi s option is present only if the chassis has
an integratedLCD.
Note IfINTS or INTP is routed to an ISA IRQ, you must disable one or both channels of
the integratedIDE/ATA controller for correct operation of this routing.