Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-11 NI8171 Series User Manual
Using the Controllers with PXI-1020 andPXI-1025 ChassisThe NI 8176 and NI 8175 controllers interface directly to the National
Instruments PXI-1020 and PXI-1025 chassis. The interface contains
signalst o interface to thechassis LCD display, IDE CDROM drive,
and PS2 mouse and keyboard.
LCD Display
To enable/disable the LCD display for a PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis:
1. Install the controller in a PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis.
2. Connect a CRTmonitor to the VGA connector on the NI 8171 series
3. Poweron the chassis and enter the BIOS setup program du ring the
boot. (When the message Press <DEL> to enter SETUP appears,
press <Delete> or <Del> on the numeric keypad.The m essage
EnteringSetup…appears, and the setup program is loaded after a
4. In the PXI Setup menu,set the LCD chassis setting to the correct
•PXI-1020—Enables the LCD display and setsthe resolution to
640 × 480.
•PXI-1025—Enables the LCD display for the PXI-1025 chassis
and sets the resolution to 800 ×600.
•Disabled—Disables the LCD display evenif th e controller is
installed in a PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis.
Note Ifan LCD display does no t existor is malfunctioni ng, the BIOS Setup option is not
ThePXI-1020 and PXI-1025 chassis have integrated CD-ROM drives. The
BIOSautomatically detectsthe CD-ROM and enablesthe IDE interface.
TheOS loads drivers to access the CD-ROM. Refer to the Boot Setup Menu
section for information on booting from the CD-ROM drive.