Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-15 NI8171 Series User Manual
3. TheBI OS boots from CD-ROMdrive. Follow the prompts to recover
the hard drive.
Note Nota ll CD-ROMsare bootable with th e NI 8171 series controllers. For a complete
list of USB CD-ROMdrives that National Instruments has verified as bootable, see

Recovery from a Network

To recover the hard disk from a network:
1. Create a DOS boot disk with network support. (The DOS network
driversand a network boot disk example are on the recovery CD.)
2. Useanother PC on the network with a CD-ROM drive. Share the drive
and loadthe recovery CD.
3. Bootthe NI 8171 series using the network boot di sk. Run the net utility
from the adrive.
4. Mapthe sharedC D-ROMdrive to K:.
5. Runk:\recover.bat. Follow the prompts to recover the hard drive.
Installing an OS
NI8171 series controllers include a preinstalled OS. In some cases, you
may want to reinstall the OS or install a different OS. When doing so,
considering the following guidelines.

Installing from a CD-ROM

Although the NI 8171 series can boot from a USB CD-ROM, you cannot
installm ost operating systems from a USB CD-ROM drive. For example,
Windows 2000 aborts during theinstall p rocess because it does not have
driversfor theCD-ROM device.
WithDOS drivers, you can install Windows 9xoperating systems.
However,only a few USB CD-ROM drives have DOS drivers.
NationalInstruments does not recommend using a USB CD-ROM drive for
CD-ROMOS installations. However, you can use a PXI-1020 or PXI-1025
chassisw ith an integratedIDE CD-ROM drive, or an external SCSI
CD-ROMwith a PXI-SCSI adapter.