Chapter4 CommonConfiguration Questions
NI8171 Series User Manual 4-4 ni.com
•SCSI,LPT, or PC card-based CD-ROM—Other types of CD-ROM
drivesare available. Check with the vendor to make sure
Windows2000 supports the drive.
•Mappednetwork drive—Youcan use the Ethernet to connect to
another computer.If you share the CD-ROM drive on the other
computer,you can map the shared CD-ROM drive to a drive letter
on the NI 8171 series.
Hard Drive RecoveryHowdo I restore the hard drive image?
The NI 8171 series controllers include a recoveryCD. There are two
methodsf orrecovering the hard disk to its original state.
Recovery from a CD-ROM Drive
Thesestep sapp ly to a USBC D-ROM, IDE CD-ROM (when using a
PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis), or SCSI CD-ROM drive (when a SCSI
adapteris installed).
Torecover the hard disk from a CD-ROM:
1. Load the recoveryCD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Press<Esc> d uring the BIOS POST.After POST, a boot menu is
displayed. Select the CD-ROMdrive.
3. TheB IOS boots from CD-ROMdrive. Follow the prompts to recover
the hard drive.
Note Nota ll CD-ROMsare bootable with th e NI 8171 series controllers. For a complete
list of USB CD-ROMdrives that National Instruments has verified as bootable, see
Recovery from a Network
To recover the hardd iskfrom a netw ork:
1. Create a DOS boot disk with network support. (The DOS network
driversand a network boot disk example are on the recovery CD.)
2. Useanother PC on the network with a CD-ROM drive. Share the drive
and loadthe recovery CD.
3. Bootthe NI 8171 series using the network boot di sk. Run the net utility
from the adrive.