Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-13 NI8171 Series User Manual
PXI FeaturesPXI TriggerConnectivity
The SMB connectoron the NI8 171 seriesfront panel can connect to or
fromany PXI backplane trigger line through softw are. A trigger allocation
processis needed to prevent two resources from connecting to the same
trigger line, resulting in the trigger being double-driven and possibly
damaging the hardware. At the time of this manual’s publication,this
software is not yet available; however, an interim trigger routing software
utility is available from National Instruments. Contact National
Instruments for more information.
Upgrading RAMYou can change the amount of installed RAM on the NI 8171 series by
upgrading the SO-DIMM.
Toupgrade the RAM, remove the NI 8171 series from the PXI chassis.
Removethe old SO-DI MM module and install the new SO-DIMM in the
socketas shown in Figure 2-3.
NationalInstruments offers the following types of SO-DIMMs for use with
the NI 8171 series controller.
•128 MB, 16MB ×64, 7.5 ns, 1.05 in. max
•256 MB, 32MB ×64,7.5ns,1.05in.max
Note NationalInstruments hastested and verified that the SO-DIMMs we sell work with
theNI 8171 series. We recommend you purchase your SO-DIMM modules from National
Instruments. Other off-the-shelfSO-DIMM modules are not guaranteed to work properly.