Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
NI8171 Series User Manu al 2-12

Chassis Mouse and Keyboard

The PXI-1020 has an integrated PS/2 mouse. The PXI-1025 has an
integrated PS/2 keyboard and mouse. To simplify configuration for these
chassis,the NI 8171 series includes an internal USB-to-PS/2 adapter. When
the NI 8171 series is installed in a PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis, the
USB-to-PS/2 adapteris enabled automatically. With this adapter, you can
useboth the chassisintegrated keyboard/mouse and the PS/2 keyboard and
mouse connected to the NI 8171 series front panel. To enable
keyboard/mouse access in DOS or Windows NT environments, you must
enablethe legacy USB.See t he Advanced Setup Menu section for more
Drivers and Software

Files and Directories Installed on Your Hard Drive

Your hard drive includes a directory called images in its root that
contains software and soft copies of manuals for the peripherals. The
directory structure under the images directory is logically organized into
severall evels.
In the images directory itself, you will find a manualsdi rectory,
an osdirectory, and directories for each computer peripheral.
The manualsdirectory contains quick reference guides, technical
reference manuals, and National Instruments software manuals, all in
Adobe Acrobatformat. To access any manual, change your directory to
c:\images\pxi8171\manualsand list the contents of that directory.
Youwill see several files, one corresponding to each peripheral.
The os directory contains a subdirectory corresponding to the operating
system installed on your computer.
The restof the directories correspond to each peripheral in your system.
Withineach of these directories are the drivers for the peripherals. These
filesand directories are copied exactly from the manufacturer distribution
disks, so the naming conventionsvary from peripheral to peripheral.
Because the naming conventionsmay not be completely straightforward,
National Instruments provides a text filenamed drivers.txtin the
c:\images\pxi8171directory. The drivers.txt file explains how
to installs upport for each peripheral. Youmay want to print this file for
reference when you install your peripheral device drivers.