Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-9 NI8171 Series User Manual
HardDriv eThe boot list includes all IDE/ATAhard disks detected
on thesystem. Press <Enter> on this entry to expand it to select the
boot priority of individualIDE/ATA hard drives.
CD-ROM DriveThe boot list includes all classes of CD-ROM
drive,including USB drives and IDE/ATAdrives integrated into a
PXI-1020 or PXI-1025 chassis.
NetworkBo otThis option is for National Instruments controllers
with PXE ROM.The NI-8171 ENET controller will support this
option in the future.
Note If an SCSI host adapter exists in the system, this menu has an additional entry for
SCSI devices.
Exiting BIOS Setup
TheExit setup menu includes all available option sfor exiti ng, saving, and
loadingthe BIOS default configuration. As an alternative to this screen, use
<F9> to load BIOS default settings and <F10> to save changes and exit
The Exit setup menu includes the following settings:
ExitSaving ChangesAny changes made to BIOS settings are stored
in the battery-backed System CMOS. The setup program then exits
andr eboots thecontroller.
Exit Discarding ChangesAnychang esm ade to BIOS settings
duringthis session of the BIOS setup program are discarded. The setup
program then exits and boots the controller without rebooting first.
LoadSetup DefaultsThis setting restores all BIOS setting s to the
factorydefault. Th is is useful if the controller exhibits unpredictable
behaviordue to an in correct or inappropriate BIOS setting. Note that
anynondefault settings such as boot order, passwords, and
keyboardlessoperation are restored to their factory defaults. This may
produceundesirable behavior, and in heavily customized cases, may
causet he controller to malfunction or fail to boot.
DiscardChangesAny changes made to BIOS settings during this
sessionof the BIOS setup program are discarded. Unlike Exit
DiscardingChanges, however, the BIOS setup continues to be active.
Save ChangesChanges made to BIOS settings during this session
are committed tob attery-backedSystem CMOS. The setup program
remains active,allowing further changes.