Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
NI8171 Series User Manual 2-8
Security Setup Menu
Use this menu to apply system-level passwords to the NI 8171 series
controller.With these passwords, you can restrict access to the BIOS setup
program, floppy drives, and operating systems installed on bootable
devices.If you forget any password, you can restore the CMOS contents to
thefactory default as described in the System CMOS section of this manual.
Note In most chassisconfigurations, an unauthorized user has easy access to the jumper
thatresets the CMOS contentsto the factory default. For a secure setup of this controller,
National Instruments recommends further provisions that are beyond the scope of this
The Security setup menu includes the following settings:
Set Supervisor PasswordThis setting sets the password that
governssupervisor-level access to the BIOS setup screen and booting.
The defaultis no password .
Set User PasswordThis settingsets the password that governs
user-levelaccess to the BIOS setup screen and booting. If you enter
BIOS setup using the user password, the only BIOS setting you can
modify is the user password. The default is no password.
Passwordo n BootThis setting controls whether the controller
requiresa su pervisor or user password to boot an operating system. If
you enter the supervisor password onbo ot, you havesupervisor-level
disketteaccess. If you enter the user password on boot, you have
user-leveldiskette access.
DisketteA ccessThis settingcontrols which level of access is
required to accessthe floppy drive via INT 13h services. This setting
hasno effect on 32-bit operating systems drivers that access the floppy
disk directly.The default is Supervisor.
Note Todisable a current password, leave the new password field blank by simply
pressing<Enter> on t hefield.
Boot Setup Menu
This screendisplays the boot order of devices associated with the
controller.The BIOS proceeds down this list in search of a bootable device.
Ifthe BIOS failsto find any bootable device, the message Operating
System Not Found is displayed, and the system halts.
RemovableDevicesThe boot list includes a ll classesof flop pyand
ZIPd rives,both internal and USB-based devices.