NCR RealScan 7883 Installation and Owner Guide
Checkstand Cutout
1.Put the RealScan 7883 into the hole in the checkstand. Diagrams in NCR RealScan 7883 Specifications show the various dimensions of the hole.
2.Align the RealScan 7883 to the Checkstand. The leading edge of the Top Plate must be flush or up to 1/16 in. (0.15 cm) below the top of the checkstand. The trailing edge of the Top Plate must be flush or up to 1/16 in. (0.15 cm) above the top of the checkstand.
Low Surface High Surface | Low Surface | High Surface |
Correct Alignment
Bad Alignment
Scanner Too High
Bad Alignment |
Scanner Too Low | 14231 |
Checkpoint Cable
If you are installing a RealScan 7883 Scanner, with the Checkpoint feature, on a Vertical Mounting Bracket, route the Checkpoint Cable along side the Interface Cable.
Note: If the installation includes the Checkpoint feature, a representative from Checkpoint must connect the Checkpoint Cable to the Checkpoint equipment after you install the RealScan 7883.
Cable Clamps
The RealScan 7883 is supplied with two Cable Clamps
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