Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
LLDP-MED Global Configuration
Use the LLDP-MED Global Configuration page to specify LLDP-MED parameters that are
applied to the switch.
To display this page, click System LLDP LLDP-MED Global Configuration. A screen
similar to the following displays.
To configure global LLDP-MED settings:
1. Use Fast Start Repeat Count to specify the number of LLDP PDUs that will be
transmitted when the protocol is enabled. The range is from (1 to 10). Default value of
fast repeat count is 3.
2. Click APPLY to update the switch with the modified setting.
3. Click CANCEL to abandon the changes.
The following table describes the LLDP-MED Global Configuration fields.
Field Description
Device Class Specifies local device's MED Classification. There are four different kinds of devices,
three of them represent the actual end points (classified as Class I Generic [IP
Communication Controller etc.], Class II Media [Conference Bridge etc.], Class III
Communication [IP Telephone etc.]). The fourth device is Network Connectivity
Device, which is typically a LAN Switch/Router, IEEE 802.1 Bridge, IEEE 802.11
Wireless Access Point etc.