Page Link
Getting Started
ProSafe M5300 Switch
Configuration and Monitoring Options
The area directly under the feature links and to the right of the page menu displays the
configuration information or status for the page you select. On pages that contain
configuration options, you can input information into fields or select options from drop-down
Each page contains access to the HTML-based help that explains the fields and configuration
options for the page. Each page also contains command buttons.
Table 1 shows the command buttons that are used throughout the pages in the Web
Table 1. Command Buttons
Button Function
ADD Clicking ADD adds the new item configured in the heading row of a table.
APPLY Clicking APPLY sends the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take
effect immediately.
CANCEL Clicking CANCEL cancels the configuration on the screen and resets the data on the
screen to the latest value of the switch.
DELETE Clicking DELETE removes the selected item.
REFRESH Clicking REFRESH updates the page with the latest information from the device.
LOGOUT Clicking the LOGOUT button ends the session.