Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
Inventory Information: Specifies if inventory TLV is received in LLDP frames on this port.
Hardware Revision Specifies hardware version of the remote
Firmware Revision Specifies Firmware version of the remote
Software Revision Specifies Software version of the remote
Serial Number Specifies serial number of the remote device.
Manufacturer Name Specifies manufacturers name of the remote
Model Name Specifies model name of the remote device.
Asset ID Specifies asset id of the remote device.
Location Information: Specifies if location TLV is received in LLDP frames on this port.
Sub Type Specifies type of location information.
Location Information Specifies the location information as a string for
given type of location id.
Extended POE: Specifies if remote device is a PoE device.
Device Type Specifies remote device's PoE device type
connected to this port.
Extended POE PSE: Specifies if extended PSE TLV is received in LLDP frame on this port.
Available Specifies the remote ports PSE power value in
tenths of watts.
Source Specifies the remote ports PSE power source.
Priority Specifies the remote ports PSE power priority.
Extended POE PD: Specifies if extended PD TLV is received in LLDP frame on this port.
Required Specifies the remote port's PD power
Source Specifies the remote port's PD power source.
Priority Specifies the remote port's PD power priority.
Field Description