Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
To configure an IPv6 network interface:
1. Use Admin Mode to enable or disable the IPv6 network interface on the switch. The
default value is enable.
2. Use IPv6 Address Auto Configuration Mode to set the IPv6 address for the IPv6 network
interface in auto configuration mode if this option is enabled. The default value is disable.
Auto configuration can be enabled only when IPv6 Auto config or DHCPv6 are not enabled
on any of the management interfaces.
3. Use Current Network Configuration Protocol to configure the IPv6 address for the IPv6
network interface by DHCPv6 protocol if this option is enabled. The default value is None.
DHCPv6 can be enabled only when IPv6 Auto config or DHCPv6 are not enabled on any of
the management interfaces.
4. Use DHCPv6 Client DUID to specify an Identifier used to identify the client's unique DUID
value. This option only displays when DHCPv6 is enabled.
5. Use IPv6 Gateway to specify the gateway for the IPv6 network interface. The gateway
address is in IPv6 global or link-local address format.
6. Use IPv6 Prefix/Prefix Length to add the IPv6 prefix and prefix length to the IPv6 network
interface. The address is in global address format.
7. Use EUI64 to specify whether to format the IPv6 address in EUI-64 format. Default value is
8. Click ADD to add a new IPv6 address in global format.
9. Click DELETE to delete a selected IPv6 address.
IPv6 Network Interface Neighbor Table
Use this page to view information about IPv6 neighbors the device has discovered through
the network interface by using the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP).
To display the IPv6 Network Neighbor page, click System > Management > Network
Interface > IPv6 Network Interface Neighbor Table. A screen similar to the following
The following table displays IPv6 Network Interface Neighbor Table information.
Field Description
IPv6 address The Ipv6 Address of a neighbor switch visible to the
network interface.
MAC address The MAC address of a neighbor switch.