ProSafe M5300 Switch
To configure IPv6 interface information:
1. Use Interface to select the interface to be configured or displayed. All physical
interfaces are valid.
2. Use IPv6 Mode to enable/disable IPv6 mode. When IPv6 mode is enabled, interface is
capable of IPv6 operation without a global address. In this case, an EUI-64 based link-local
address is used. This selector lists the two options for IPv6 mode: enable and disable.
Default value is disable.
3. Use DHCPv6 Client Mode to enable or disable the DHCPv6 client mode on an interface. At
any point of time only one interface can act as a Client. Default value is disable.
4. Use Stateless Address AutoConfig Mode to enable or disable Stateless Address
AutoConfig mode on an interface. Default value is disable.
5. Use Routing Mode to enable/disable routing mode of an interface. Default value is disable.
6. Use Admin Mode to enable/disable the Administrative Mode of the interface. The default
value is enable. This mode is not supported for Logical VLAN Interfaces.
7. Use MTU to specify the maximum transmit unit on an interface. If the value is 0 then this
interface is not enabled for routing. It is not valid to set this value to 0 if routing is enabled.
Range of MTU is 1280 to 1500.
8. Use Duplicate Address Detection Transmits to specify the number of duplicate address
detections transmits on an interface. DAD transmits values must be in range 0 to 600.
9. Use Life Time Interval to specify the router advertisement lifetime field sent from the
interface. This value must be greater than or equal to the maximum advertisement interval.
0 means do not use the router as the default router. The range of router lifetime is 0 to 9000.
10. Use Adv NS Interval to specify the retransmission time field of router advertisement sent
from the interface. A value of 0 means interval is not specified for router. Range of neighbor
solicit interval is 1000 to 4294967295.
11. Use Adv Reachable Time to specify the router advertisement time to consider neighbor
reachable after ND confirmation. Range of reachable time is 0 to 3600000.
12. Use Adv Interval to specify the maximum time allowed between sending router
advertisements from the interface. Default value is 600. Range of maximum advertisement
interval is 4 to 1800.
13. Use Adv Managed Config Flag to specify the router advertisement managed address
configuration flag. When true, end nodes use DHCPV6. When false, end nodes auto
configure addresses. Default value of managed flag is disable.
14. Use Adv Other Config Flag To specify router advertisement for other Stateful configuration
flag. Default value of other config flag is disable.
15. Use Adv Suppress Flag to specify router advertisement suppression on an interface.
Default value of suppress flag is disable.
16. Use Destination Unreachables to specify the Mode of Sending ICMPv6 Destination
Unreachables on this interface. If Disabled then this interface will not send ICMPv6
Destination Unreachables. By default IPv6 Destination Unreachables mode is enable.
Field Description
Operational Mode Specifies operational state of an interface. Default value is disable.