Editing Movies
BNotes on Editing Movies
•Use a fully charged battery to prevent the camera from turning off during editing. When the battery level is B, movie editing is not possible.
•Once a movie is created through editing, it cannot be used again for extracting a movie. To extract another range, select and edit the original movie.
•Because the edited movies are extracted in
•Editing functions are not available when there is not enough free space in the internal memory or on the memory card.
CMore Information
See “File and Folder Names” (E95) for more information.
Saving a Frame from a Movie as a Still PictureA frame from a recorded movie can be extracted and saved as a still picture (except for movies recorded with n1080/60i, q1080/50i, piFrame 540/30p or piFrame 540/25p).
• Pause a movie and display the frame to be extracted (A97).
•Choose Hon the playback control with the multi selector Jor Kand press the kbutton.
Section Reference
•When the confirmation dialog is displayed, choose Yes and press the kbutton to save.
•The still picture is saved with Normal as the image quality. The image size is determined by the type (image size) (E52) of the original movie.
For example, the image size of a still picture saved from a movie recorded with d1080P/30p or o1080P/25p is i(1920 × 1080 pixels).
Copy this frame as a still image?