lDelete button 29, E9, E60 oExposure compensation 51, 60 mFlash mode 51, 52
dMenu button 6, 64, 84, 96, 101, 103
X Night landscape mode 33 cPlayback button 4, 28 iPlayback zoom 82
A Programmed auto mode 45, 47 yScene mode 32
hThumbnail display 83 i User settings mode 49 fWide 25
.JPG E95
.MOV E95
.MPO E95
.NRW E95
.WAV E95
3D photography s43
Accessories E97
Aperture value 45
Auto with
Autofocus mode 66, 96, E47, E55 AV cable 87, E18
Backlighting o39 Battery 12, 14
Battery charger 15, E97 Battery level indicator 18
Beach Z36
Best shot selector 38, 65, E38 Black and white copy n38
Blink warning 105, E84 BSS 38, 65, E38
Calendar display 83
Charge by computer 105, E81 Charger 15, E97
Charging AC Adapter 14 Choose key picture 85, E62
Color temperature E34
Command dial 3, 5, 45 Computer 87, 90 Continuous 65, E37
Contrast E29
COOLPIX Custom Picture Control 65, E31
Index and Notes Technical