The Setup Menu

Choosing Reset all also clears the current file number (E95) in the memory. After resetting, numbering continues from the lowest number available in the internal memory or the memory card. If Reset all is performed after all pictures are deleted from the internal memory or memory card (A29), the file numbers for the next pictures taken start from “0001.”

The following settings remain unaffected even if Reset all is performed. Shooting menu: Custom Picture Control registration (E31) and preset manual data for White balance (E35)

Setup menu: Time zone and date (E69), Language (E79) and Video mode (E80) in TV settings

User settings that were saved for mode dial iare not reset to the default settings when Reset all is performed. To change these settings back to the default settings, use Reset user settings (E50).

Firmware Version

Press the dbutton Mztab (A7) MFirmware version

Displays the current camera firmware version.



Section Reference
