i2021 ISDN Teleset
NOTE: Key (xx) will be the number of the hardkey you select. At this point, use the dial keypad to enter the Feature Number (Activator/Identifier) that you want to appear on the key you selected. In our example, we entered 57. Press Save to remap the key.
Press MENU to exit the idle menu. At this point the hardkey you selected will be the Feature you entered. Pressing that key will activate or deactivate (toggles) the feature. For a complete list of the NIUF recommended Feature Keys contact your service provider.
NOTE: Only feature keys can be mapped to a different key. Call Appearances cannot be remapped.
Inspect is a National ISDN feature. Check with your local service provider regarding the availability of the Inspect feature. If available, your service provider will assign this feature to one of the keys on your Teleset.
NOTE: In order for the Inspect feature to work, it must be assigned to one of the programmable hardkeys (designated 1 through 16). Choose a key after your Call Appearance keys are designated. For example, if we designate keys 1 through 5 as Call Appearance keys, we can then select any key between 6 and 16 as our Inspect key.
The purpose of the Inspect key is to allow the user to query the serving switch as to what features or Call Appearances are assigned to a particular key on the Teleset.