D Logs Summary

230 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2


Message ID = 82 Message byte count = 82

Table D-15 UTC Standard Identifier

Field # Field Type Bytes Format Units Offset
1Sync 3char 0
(header) Checksum 1char 3
Message ID 4integer 4
Message byte count 4integer 8
2GPS week number 4ulong weeks 12
3GPS time of the week 8double seconds 16
4Polynomial constant term 8double seconds 24
5Polynomial 1st order term 8double seconds/second 32
6UTC data reference time 4integer seconds 40
7Week number UTC reference 4integer weeks 44
8Week number for leap sec effect time 4integer weeks 48
9Delta time due to leap sec 4integer seconds 52
10 For use when leap sec on past 4integer seconds 56
11 Day number for leap sec effect time 4integer days 60
12 UTC standard, see the table below 4ulong 64
13 GLONASS indicator
0 = GLONASS time is not available
1 = GLONASS time is available
4ulong 68
14 Reserved for future use 10 uchar 72
UTC Identifier UTC Standard
0UTC as operated by the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL), Tokyo, Japan
1UTC as operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
2UTC as operated by the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO)
3UTC as operated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM)
4UTC as operated by the European Laboratory (to be determined)
5 to 6 Reserved for future definition
7UTC not provided