D Logs Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 169
GPRMC GPS Specific Information
Time, date, position, track made good and speed data provided by the GPS navigation receiver. RMC and RMB
are the recommended minimum navigation data to be provided by a GPS receiver. This log will output all null data
fields until the GPSCard has set fine time as monitored by the receiver status word, see Table D-5 Receiver Self-
Test Status Codes on Page198, bits 8,9 and 10.)
1Easterly variation (E) subtracts from True course
Westerly variation (W) adds to True course
2 Note that this field is the actual magnetic variation East or West and is the inverse sign of the value entered into
the MAGVAR command. See MAGVAR in Appendix C, Page 108 for more information.
$GPRMC utc pos status lat lat dir
lon lon dir speed Kn track true date
mag var var dir *xx [CR][LF]
Field Structure Field Description Symbol Example
1$GPRMC Log header $GPRMC
2utc UTC of position hhmmss.ss 220216.50
3pos status Position status: A = data valid
V = data invalid A A
4lat Latitude (DDmm.mm) llll.ll 5106.7187663
5lat dir Latitude direction (N = North, S = South) a N
6lon Longitude (DDDmm.mm) yyyyy.yy 11402.3581636
7lon dir Longitude direction (E = East, W = West) a W
8speed Kn Speed over ground, knots x.x 0.3886308
9track true Track made good, degrees True x.x 130.632
10 date Date: dd/mm/yy xxxxxx 150792
11 mag var Magnetic variation, degrees 2x.x 0.000
12 var dir Magnetic variation direction E/W 1a E
13 *xx Checksum *hh *4B
14 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]