D Logs Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 193
RCSA/B Receiver Status
The RCSA log will always output four records: one for VERSION, one for receiver CHANNELS, one for receiver
CPU IDLE time, and one indicating receiver self-test STATUS. However, RCSB will embed the same information
in a single record.
Together, the RVSA/B and VERA/B logs supersede the RCSA/B logs. In other word this log is soon to be obsolete
and eventually will be no longer supported. It is recommended then that you use the RVSA/B and VERA/B logs.


$RCSA,VERSION,GPSCard-2 3951R LGR94160001 HW 16 SW 3.15 Mar 31/94*16
The status code is a hexadecimal number representing the results of the GPSCard BIST test and software status.
As an example, the status code 000000F6 indicates that the GPSAntenna is not working properly or is
disconnected and the GPSCard is good, while 000000F7 indicates that the GPSAntenna and the GPSCard are both
functioning properly. See Table D-5, Page 198 for a detailed description of the status code. Bit 0 is the least
significant bit of the status code and Bit 16 is the most significant bit.


Format: Message ID = 13 Message byte count = 100
NOTE 1: See Table D-5 for a detailed GPSCard Receiver Self-test Status Code table and bit descriptions.
NOTE 2: Self test bits 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 are set only once when the GPSCa r d is first powered up. All other bits are set
by internal test processes each time the RCSA/B log is output.
$RCSA VERSION sw ver *xx [CR][LF]
$RCSA CHANNELS # chans *xx [CR][LF]
$RCSA IDLE idle time *xx [CR][LF]
$RCSA STATUS rec status *xx [CR][LF]
Log Data Identifier Data Description Checksum String End
$RCSA VERSION sw ver: Software information indicating model, S/N, S/W
version and S/W version date *xx [CR][LF]
$RCSA CHANNELS # chans: Indicates number of parallel channels on GPSCard *xx [CR][LF]
$RCSA IDLE idle time: An integer number representing percent idle time for
the CPU, with a valid range of 0 to 99 *xx [CR][LF]
$RCSA STATUS rec status: Indicate s result of hardware self-test and software
status as shown in Table D-5, Page 198 *xx [CR][LF]
Field # Data Bytes Format Offset
1Sync 3char 0
(header) Checksum 1char 3
Message ID 4integer 4
Message byte count 4integer 8
2Software version #, ASCII 80 char 12
3Number of receiver channels 1char 92
4CPU idle time, percent 1char 93
5Filler 2bytes 94
6Self-test status 4integer 96