D Logs Summary
224 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2


2.60000000E+004,0.00000000E+000,0.00000000E+000,0.00000000E+000*32 [CR][LF]
$WALA week seconds WAAS week WAAS seconds
prn data ID health
pos X pos Y pos Z
vel X vel Y vel Z
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1$WALA Log header $WALA
2week GPS week number 981
3seconds GPS seconds into the week 447490.88
4WAAS week WAAS week number 981
5WAAS seconds WAAS seconds into the week at time of application 447360
6prn WAAS GEO satellite PRN number 122
7data ID Version of WAAS signal specification, see Table D-14 0
8health Health and status of the WAAS GEO satellite, see Table D-13 0
9pos X Position x coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite at WAAS seconds (Field #5) 2.5789400 E+007
10 pos Y Position y coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite at WAAS seconds (Field #5) -3.5479 600E+007
11 pos Z Position z coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite at WAAS seconds (Field #5) 2.60000000E+004
12 vel X Velocity x coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite 0.00000000E+000
13 vel Y Velocity y coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite 0.00000000E+000
14 vel Z Velocity z coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite 0.00000000E+000
15 *xx Checksum *32
16 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR] [LF]