D Logs Summary
146 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2
CDSA/B Communication and Differential Decode Status

The GPSCard maintains a running count of a variety of status indicators of the data link. This log outputs a report

of those indicators.

Parity and framing errors will occur if poor transmission lines are encountered or if there is an incompatibility in

the data protocol. If errors occur, you may need to confirm the bit rate, number of data bits, number of stop bits and

parity of both the transmit and receiving ends. Overrun errors will occur if more characters are sent to the UART

than can be removed by the on-board microprocessor.



$cdsa week seconds xon1 csts1 parity1 overrun1 framing1
rx1 tx1 xon2 cts2 parity2 overrun2 framing2 rx2 tx2
crc rtcaa
fail rtca
good rtcm
par rtcma
fail rtcm
good dcsa
fail dsca
fail dcsb
good cmr
fail cmr
good resd*xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field
type Data Description Example
1$CDSA Log header $CDSA
2week GPS week number 787
3seconds GPS seconds into the week 500227
4xon1 Flag to indicate that the com1 is using XON/XOFF handshaking protocol and port has received
an xoff and will wait for an xon before sending any more data. 0
5cts1 Flag to indicate that com1 is using CTS/RTS handshake protocol and cts line port has been
asserted. The port will wait for the line to de-assert before sending any more data. 0
6parity1 The number of character parity errors from the UART of COM1 0
7overrun1 The number of UART buffer overrun errors of COM1 0
8framing1 The number of character framing errors from the UART of COM1 0
9rx1 The number of the characters received from COM1 0
10 tx1 The number of the characters sent out to COM1 9
11 xon2 Flag to indicate that COM2 is using XON/XOFF handshaking protocol and port has received an
xoff and will wait for an xon before sending any more data. 0
12 cts2 Flag to indicate that COM2 is using CTS/RTS handshake protocol and cts line port has been
asserted. The Port will wait for the line to de-assert before sending any more data. 0
13 parity2 The number of character parity errors from the UART of COM2 0
14 overrun2 The number of UART buffer overrun errors of COM2 0
15 framing2 The number of character framing errors from the UART of COM2 0
16 rx2 The number of characters received from COM2 0
17 tx2 The number of characters sent out to COM2 9
18 rtcacrc The number of RTCA CRC failures 0
19 rtcaafail The number of invalid ASCII $RTCA,....,*xx records indicating that the ASCII checksum xx failed. 0
20 rtcagood The number of RTCA records that pass error checking 0
21 rtcmpar The number of 30 bit RTCM parity failures 0
22 rtcmafail The number of invalid ASCII $RTCM,....,*xx records indicating that the ASCII checksum xx
failed. 0
23 rtcmgood The numb er of RTCM records that pass error checking 0
24 dcsafail DCSA is now obsolete. 0