D Logs Summary
168 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2
GPRMB Navigation Information
Navigation data from present position to a destination waypoint. The destination is set active by the GPSCard
SETNAV command. If SETNAV has been set, a command to log either GPRMB or GPRMC will cause both logs
to output data.
1- If cross track error exceeds 9.99 NM, display 9.99
- Represents track error from intended course
- one nautical mile = 1,852 meters
2Direction to steer is based on the sign of the crosstrack error,
i.e., L = xtrack error (+); R = xtrack error ()
3Fields 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are tagged from the GPSCard SETNAV command.
4If range to destination exceeds 999.9 NM, display 999.9
$GPRMB data status xtrack dir origin ID
dest ID dest lat lat dir dest lon lon dir
range bearing vel arr status *xx [CR][LF]
Field Structure Field Description Symbol Example
1$GPRMB Log header $GPRMB
2data status Data status: A = data valid; V = navigation receiver warning A V
3xtrack Cross track error 1x.x 0.011
4dir Direction to steer to get back on track (L/R) 2a L
5origin ID Origin waypoint ID 3c--c START
6dest ID Destination waypoint ID 3c--c END
7dest lat Destination waypoint latitude (DDmm.mm 3llll.ll 5106.7074
8lat dir Latitude direction (N = North, S = South) 3a N
9dest lon Destination waypoi nt longitude (DDDmm.mm) 3yyyyy.yy 11402.349
10 lon dir Longitude direction (E = East, W = West) 3a E
11 range Range to destination, nautical miles 4x.x 0.0127611
12 bearing Bearing to destination, degrees True x.x 153.093
13 vel Destination closing velocity, knots x.x 0.3591502
14 arr status Arrival status: A = perpendicular passed
V = destination not reached or passed A V
15 *xx Checksum *hh *13
16 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]