E Comparison Of RT-2 And RT-20MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 235Table E-6 RT-20 PerformanceFigure E-5 Typical RT-20 Convergence - Static Mode
Tracking Time (sec) Mode 1Data Delay (sec) Distance (km) Accuracy (CEP)
1 - 180 Static 0 1 100 to 25 cm
180 - 3000 Static 0 1 25 to 5 cm
> 3000 Static 0 1 5 cm or less 2
1 - 600 Kinematic 0 1 100 to 25 cm
600 - 3000 Kinematic 0 1 25 to 5 cm
> 3000 Kinematic 0 1 5 cm or less 2
Either 0 - 2 1+1 cm/sec
Either 2 - 7 1+2 cm/sec
Either 7 - 30 1+5 cm/sec
Either > 30 1pseudorange or single point 3
Either 00 - 10 +0.5 cm/km
Either 010 - 20 +0.75 cm/km
Either 020 - 50 +1.0 cm/km
1 Mode = Static or Kinematic (during initial ambiguity resolution)
2 The accuracy specifications refer to the PRTKA/B logs which include about 3 cm extrapolation error. RTKA/B logs are
more accurate but have increased latency associated with them.
3 After 30 seconds reverts to pseudorange positioning (single point or differential depending on messages previously
received from the base station).
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300
Seconds of Convergence
0.1 km 15 km 25 km 50 km