4.2 D/A Calibration
1.Run the A82XDIAG.EXE program
2.Press the “Right Arrow Key” to select “CALIBRATION”.
3.Press the “Down Arrow Key” to select “G. D/A REFERENCE”.
4.Press the “Enter Key”
5. Connect VREF, pin 11 of CN3, to a DVM (Digital Volt Meter)
6.Adjust VR5 until the DVM=4.9988V
7. | Press the “ESC Key” |
8. | Select and Execute “A. D/A REFERENCE 1” item |
9.Connect D/A channel 0, pin 30 of CN3, to the DVM
10.Adjust VR3 until the DVM=4.9988V
11.Press the “ESC Key”
12.Select and Execute “B. D/A REFERENCE2” item
13.Connect D/A channel 1, pin 32 of CN3, to the DVM
14.Adjust VR4 until the DVM=4.9988V