1.1General Description
The following A/D performance bench marks were achieved on a 33MHz 486 computer:
z | Polling mode | : about 100Ksample/sec (with | |
z | Interrupt mode | : about 60Ksample/sec (with | |
z | DMA mode | : about 100Ksample/sec (with |
1.2 Features
zThe maximum sample rate of the A/D converter is 100 K samples/sec
zSoftware selectable input ranges
zPC AT compatible ISA bus
zA/D trigger mode : software trigger , pacer trigger, external trigger
zProgrammable high gain : 0.5,1,5,10,50,100,500,1000
zProgrammable low gain : 0.5,1,2,4,8
z2 channel
z16 digital input /16 digital output (TTL compatible)
zInterrupt handling
zBipolar/Unipolar operation
z1 channel general purpose programmable 16 bit timer/counter