Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-15
Table 6–23 WS Logging tab Components
Field Description
Specific log file
Defines the name and location of the server log file if you
want the data written to a file instead of SYSOUT for the
server process. The parameter must specify the name and
the high level qualifier.
The following tokens can appear in the log file template
and will be replaced accordingly:
■%A: workspace name
■%D: date (yymmdd)
■%I: instance number of the given workspace server
■%L: server account's login directory
■%P: server's process ID
■%T: time (hhmmss)
■%U: server's account name (username)
Trace options Specifies the type of tracing to be performed. The
following tracing options are available:
■No timeout: Disables the standard RPC timeouts,
setting them to a long duration (approximately an
hour) to facilitate debugging.
■Call trace: Generates a message in the server log file
for each RPC function called. This is useful for
troubleshooting the server.
■RPC trace: Enables debugging messages on the server.
■Sockets: Generates a message in the server log file for
each socket operation. This is useful for
troubleshooting client/server communication -
providing a detailed trace of every client/server
■Extended RPC trace: Generates a verbose message in
the server log file for each low-level RPC function
called. This is useful for troubleshooting the server.
■System trace: Generates operating system-specific
■Timing: Generates a timestamp for every entry to the
server log file.
Logging Specifies the level of events that are logged for the
workspace. The following event levels are available:
■none: The event log only displays the IP addresses of
client that have logged in and out from the
■error: The event log displays the IP addresses of
client that have logged in and out from the workspace
as well as any errors that have been generated.
■debug: The event log displays the IP addresses of
client that have logged in and out from the workspace
as well as any errors that have been generated and all
trace results that were specified in the Daemon
Logging tab.