C-18 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Workspace users Lists the users who are allowed to use the workspace.
■All users: Indicates that any user who has logged on
to the daemon can use the workspace.
■Selected users only: Specifies users (accounts) and
groups that can use the workspace.
Note: If a user is not specified, any user who has
logged on to the daemon can use the workspace.
■Enable ports range: Defines the firewall ports through
which you access the workspace. Specifies the range
of ports available for this workspace when starting
server processes. Use this option when you want to
control the port number, so that Oracle Connect can
be accessed through a firewall.
■Use specific workspace account: Defines the operating
system account used for the workspace. If not
specified, the account name that was provided by the
client is used.
■Allow anonymous client login to server account:
Defines whether this workspace can be accessed
without authentication (user name/password). If
anonymous login is allowed, specify the server
account name to use. If this field is not specified, then
the value in the Workspace account field is used.
Table 6–24 (Cont.) WS Security tab Components
Field Description