Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-1
CAdvanced Tuning of the Daemon
The daemon configuration is managed using Oracle Studio. Daemon configuration is
divided into the following groups:
■Daemon Control
■Daemon Logging
■Daemon Security
■Work spa ces
Daemon Control
Using the Daemon Control tab, you define various daemon control options. The
Daemon Control tab is accessed as follows:
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.
4. Right-click the required daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon
Configuration. The Daemon Control tab is displayed.
5. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload
The Daemon Control tab is shown in the following figure:
Note: You can also change daemon settings using the
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit
Changes made to the daemon configuration are only implemented
after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration
option in the Runtime Manager perspective.