Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-11
Table 6–22 WS Server tab Components
Field Description
Workspace server
Specifies the type of new server processes that the daemon
starts up. The daemon supports the following server
■singleClient: Each client receives a dedicated
server process. The account in which a server process
runs is determined either by the client login
information or by the specific server workspace.
This mode enables servers to run under a particular
user account and isolates clients from each other, as
each receives its own process. However, this server
mode incurs a high overhead due to process startup
times and can use a lot of server resources as it
requires as many server processes as concurrent
■multiClient: Clients share a server process and are
processed serially. This mode has low overhead
because the server processes are already initialized.
However, because clients share the same process, they
can impact one another, especially if they issue
lengthy queries. The number of clients that share a
process is determined by the Clients per server limit
■multiThreaded: This mode is not applicable for use
with OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.
■reusable: An extension of single-client mode. Once
the client processing finishes, the server process does
not die and can be used by another client, reducing
startup times and application startup overhead.
This mode does not have the high overhead of
single-client mode because the servers are already
initialized. However, this server mode can use a lot of
server resources as it requires as many server
processes as concurrent clients.
Note: The other modes can be set so that the server
processes are reusable. The number of times a process
can be reused is controlled by the Reuse limit field
Reuse limit Sets the maximum number of times a particular server can
be reused. A one-client server can be reused after its
(single) client has disconnected. Reuse of servers enhances
startup performance because it avoids the need to repeat
initialization. The default for this field is none (0),
indicating that server reuse is unlimited. This parameter is
disabled only if the server mode value is singleClient.
Clients per server
Sets the maximum number of clients a server process for
the current workspace accepts. The default for this field is
none (0), indicating that the number of clients for each
server is unlimited. This field is enabled only if the server
mode value is multiClient or multiThreaded.